Recent guidance from FSC has confirmed that any use of Trico in FSC certified forests must be treated as a pesticide application. This has the following documentation implications:
ESRA – must be completed prior to any application, UKFCG will prepare a Trico ESRA template which will be available on request for those managers using Trico.
FEPA records – Please ensure that contractors provide a completed pesticides use record on completion of the operation. UKFCG pesticide use record template is available if required.
Contract documentation – Please ensure that all the usual documentation is provided by the contractor, this should include pesticide use risk assessment and site specific emergency plan.
Qualifications – all workers applying Trico should have appropriate training/qualifications (this is a legal requirement), make sure you obtain copies of PA1/PA6 (or equivalent) and first aid certificates. Don’t forget evidence of insurance.
On site – ensure that spill kits are available, location for filling or refilling are agreed and well clear of watercourses as per forest and water guidelines.
As above, Urea, when used as a fungicide is classified as a pesticide under Control Of Pesticides Regulations. Urea has been used in the forest industry for over 35 years to treat stumps against the fungal butt rot Heterobasidion annosum (formerly Fomes annosus). The solution usually contains a blue dye to indicate which stumps have been treated and is a 37% w/v of urea. Please ensure that you comply with the same requirements as listed above for Trico.
Attached with this newsletter is FISA INFORMATION LEAFLET 005-0116 Urea/Adblue Storage & Handling
Non-Conformity – UKFCG has recently been made aware that on a recent external audit of another Group Scheme, the Group Manager received a non-conformity for not following the above documentary requirements.
The UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) Review Consultation
A review of the UKFS takes place every five years and as such, the four governments of the UK are at present undertaking a review of the Standard. The review aims to ensure the UKFS remains up-to-date, balanced and applicable across the UK. It was launched in February 2021 and the next edition of the UKFS will be published in spring 2023.
The online consultation opened on 13th October and closes on 8th December 2022. The consultation can be accessed at:
UKWAS v5 – Use of non-toxic ammunition
UKWAS v5 is in the final stages of approval with a likely inception date of early in 2023. Advance warning is given regarding a new requirement:
4.10.3 – a) Non-toxic ammunition is used in all shooting activities except as defined in (b) below. b) Lead-based 0.22 calibre sub-sonic ammunition and air rifle pellets may be used for grey squirrel control until the end of 2025.
Verification of compliance will be by scrutiny of Sporting leases, agreements and licences stipulate the use of non-toxic ammunition.
UKFCG recommends the addition of appropriate clauses in sporting leases, agreements and licences that are due for renewal. The annual audit of UKFCG by Soil Association is expected in June 2023, by which time UKWAS v5 is expected to be in force.
UKFCG will provide all members with an analysis of changes in UKWAS v5 as soon as the revised Standard has a confirmed implementation date.
Ecosystem services is a term which is becoming more widely used in forestry circles and has well documented procedures and guidance produced by FSC, worth noting that UKWAS v5 also includes four indicators where Ecosystem Services are featured.
FSC’s Ecosystem Services Procedure provides you with the opportunity to verify specific positive impacts that your forestry activities are having on ecosystem services: biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration and storage, watershed services, soil conservation, and recreational services. You can use FSC trademarks to promote any verified positive impacts and seek rewards from your customers, investors, financial sponsors, users, etc.
If you choose to use the procedure, your compliance can be assessed by an FSC-accredited certification body during a forest management evaluation.
UKFCG has received recent enquiries on this subject and we are currently assessing the possibilities of adding selected Ecosystem Services to the accreditation options we can provide to our members.
Please let us know if you would like any further information or if you are already considering the possibilities. If there is sufficient demand we would like to include the assessment procedure in our next Soil Association audit which is anticipated in June 2023. Ecosystem Services assessments would only take place on forests that have made the request to be included, other UKFCG members would not be affected.
Although assessments would likely be in June, planning and stakeholder consultation for the audit will commence in mid April – so only a few months to prepare.
Involvement in Ecosystem Services would be a new venture for UKFCG, please bear with us while we also embark on the learning process. FSC UK have a dedicated Ecosystem Services manager who is on hand to assist with any enquiries.
Further information can be found in the following FSC publications – click for a direct link.
FSC GUI 30-006 Ecosystem Services Guidance
FSC PRO 30-006 Ecosystem Services Procedure
Ecosystem Services Procedure FAQ
In recent months UKFCG has received a number of requests to assist with COC, we are also aware that several forest managers with FM/COC certification through UKFCG already have their own separate COC certification.
A separate COC certificate allows forest managers to take on the role of timber buyer and sell on timber as a separate transaction from the forest of origin.
UKFCG is assessing the possibility of offering Group COC certification for those requiring this option. A COC Group would offer similar benefits derived through the existing FM/COC membership. Primarily this would be through members of the COC Group being part of a sample assessed during each annual audit by the Certifier (Soil Association). Reduced costs are anticipated, compared to being a single certificate, and the UKFCG COC Group would be exclusively offered to existing members of our FM/COC Group.
If you are interested and would like to discuss this proposal, please get in touch for an informal discussion. We need to be aware of the likely interest before we can obtain an indication of fees for Group COC certification from Soil Association.
SEPA Consultations
Please note, we have received an updated contact e-mail for all consultations in Scotland. SEPA has moved to a more centralised response for these types of enquiries but with the focus very much on the issues that matter. Having spent the last 1.5 years receiving all forms of woodland creation, LTFP’s, LMP’s and FSC/PEFC enquiries, SEPA have narrowed down the standing guidance to those big ticket items such as private water supplies, ground preparation, species mixtures and Riverwoods Initiative.
If you could please send any future enquiries to the mailbox below that would be appreciated:
Admin Support West This address is for all areas of Scotland
Welcome to new members who have recently joined UKFCG
Langamull and West Ardhu, Rednock and Cardross, Gartarry and Gartmore, Tulloch and Parkmore, Balmac Forest Ltd, Whiteburn Forest, Camps Wood, Kidlandlee